Unfortunately, this kind of revolting behavior(refering to the first husband) happens out there. Those of us lucky ones, who were not brought up that way, should have nothing but heartfelt gratitude towards the great and almighty. You wouldn't be human if you didn't feel for those two boys. The mother can't be at fault for doing what she desperately had to do in order to get her boys out of the hellhole that they were living in. She shouldn't have had to go to that kind of length in order to rescue the innocent victims who she no doubt dearly loved. People like that abusive lunatic, lock them up and throw away the key. I, like most I'd imagine, was emotionally overcome by the part where the two boys, the angry older one in particular, were comforted by their new dad " noone's ever going to hurt you again, I'm your dad now" And this heartwarming and tearjerky scene proves to be the turning point in the family bonding and becoming stronger and determined to get through the ordeal. I think that it was injustice for the mother to spend any more time in jail once she was proven not to be nor pose as any potential threat to society. I am angry as can be at times because of the flaws of our injustice system.