I was at Albertson's in the video section and wanted to pick up a "good" movie; well I always want to rent a good movie..but sometimes you're just really *not* in the mood for any bs, and well...you know how that goes..
The problem is..what movie *haven't* I seen that I could trust? I actually had seen Kuffs already, but not since it came out way back when. Well Christian Slater was still in his prime in this film and he's always cool to watch,(besides..I had totally forgotten what the movie was about!) so I rented it.
Sure it's a bit low-key (Slater narrates to the camera, and throughout there are series of techniques used: sound effects over swear words, subtitles used during Christian's gagged mouth scene, etc.) but that's what makes it stand out. There are several twists and turns in the story, and though the direction is simple and easy on the eyes, it is never predictable.. and funny-even hilarious- scenes and lines seem to come out of nowhere. Of course the fact that Christian Slater stars in it adds depth, sincerity, intelligence, and attitude to the picture.
What also makes <Kuffs> stand out is a certain fish-out-of-water feeling you get when watching ..meaning... Here you've got a total Hollywood moviestar, a gorgeous Milla Jovovich-who seemed to have immediately come from the set and popularity from <Return to the Blue Lagoon> in a pretty trashy neighborhood, under extremely bad circumstances. It seems pretty unbelievable that a 'perfect' young lady w/perfect parents would be ok with their daughter pining after the guy who got her 'in trouble' and then ditched her for it, whose apartment is covered in bulletholes!
But this is Christian Slater ! With his uncanny ability to make everyone around him feel stupid and uncool, (at least in films), he also has the power to move you, to let you trust him... Sure the part was probably written for him, but that's why I rented it in the first place!