In the 1980s, Canadian B movie producers made a number of comedies with the word "ball" in their titles ("Screwballs", "Goofballs", etc.), this movie being one of them. Besides using the word "ball" in their titles, all these comedies had another thing in common - they were really bad. It's a real mess, as if production had to go ahead without getting the script ready first. The various plots are slow and rambling - it takes about a third of the movie before everything is set up, and there are long portions of the movie where characters are offscreen for an incredibly long time. The comedy is also pretty lame, more often than not being incredibly soft instead of being more aggressive. The movie is so lacking in punch you can't get hostile towards it - you will just sit there with a completely puzzled look on you face. By the way, there is no academy of any kind to be found in the movie.