Yes, I watch 'Goede Tijden, Slechte' ('Good Times, Bad Times'), aka 'GTST', and to add more to it: I love the soap.
My mother started to watch it when I was about three years old. However I started to really understand it after a couple of years, I followed it every day. It has now a very high sentimental value for me, and I have seen several characters come and go in this soap series.
Of course, it is mindless entertainment: you turn off your brains (if you do not, you will not be able to watch it) and you watch the misadventures of Ludo, Laura, Janine, Jeff, Bing, Sjors, Noud, Nina, Wiet, Lorena, Jack, and many, many others. How long this series will stand, I do not know. But I do know this: I hope it will continue for a very long time.
And my apologies for eventual crappy writing: my English grammar is kind of very bad.