Hammer: How may I help you sir?
Rib Joint Customer: How much for an order of ribs?
Hammer: Two Fifty
Rib Joint Customer: Two Fifty? How many ribs do I get with that?
Hammer: Ahhh, about five
Rib Joint Customer: Five
[does math on his hand]
Rib Joint Customer: So I guess that's about fifty cents a rib, huh?
Hammer: Yeeaaa, about
Rib Joint Customer: K, lemme get one
Hammer: Right on
[yells to the cook]
Hammer: One order
Slammer: One order of ribs
Rib Joint Customer: No, no... no, no... one rib
Hammer: [Holds up finger] One. Rib.
Rib Joint Customer: I sure am hungry
Hammer: Uhhhh, make that... one... rib... to go
Slammer: One rib?
Hammer: One rib...
Hammer: What else?
Rib Joint Customer: You got any soda?
Hammer: [says slowly] One... dolla...
Rib Joint Customer: Aww, come'on now... look out for a brotha... man... come'on... Hey check this out, why don't you let me get a sip for fifteen cents
Hammer: [Pissed] My cups cost more than fifteen cents!
Rib Joint Customer: Alright, F - - the cup, pour it in my hands for a dime
Hammer: [Grabs him by his shirt] Look you greasy hair Jheri curl wearin - - Pay me & get the hell out of my store
Rib Joint Customer: [Takes out change, counts it] ...
[Then, pulls out a HUGE wad of bills]
Rib Joint Customer: ... You got change for a hundred