My review was written in December 1984 after watching the movie on MGM/UA video cassette.
Once upon a time, stuntman Chuck Bail directed "The Gumball Rally" for Warner Bros., Pual Bartel directed David Carradine in "Cannonball" for New World and later on, Hal Needham piloted Burt Reynolds and friends in the "Cannonball Run" pictures. "Safari 3000" comes midway during this car-racing trend, with the novelty of location lensing in South Africa and Zimbabwe. Minor pic, inoffensive but not very stimulating, was originally titled "Rally" and "Two in the Bush", filmed in 1980, test-booked by MGM/UA in 1982, surfaced later on pay-cable and is now a home video entry. Carradine toplines as a former Hollywood stunt driver ("I'm a real Burt Reynolds" he cracks) competing in the African International Rally against Count Loenzo Borgia (Christopher Lee), a descendant of the murderous family, and other teams from around the world. A gung-ho Playboy Magazine reporter J. J. Dalton (Stockard Channing), tags along as Carradine's navigator.
Up until its who-cares, end-of-race ending, pic offers mild humor, effective camaraderie between the pleasant leads Carradine and Channing, and attractive visuals of the African landscape and fauna. Unlike the Reynolds' pics, the cast is thin, with other teams barely in evidence.