Number 11 at the Box Office in 1966 and Number 2 in Dean Martin's Matt Helm Spy Spoof Series of 4.
One's Enjoyment of These Things is Determined by How Much You Like Dino's Boozing and Womanizing. He Pretty Much Plays the Same Characterization Schtick He Made for Himself While Traveling with the Rat Pack.
Easy Going, Never Serious, and Always on the Prowl for a Drink or a Dame. The Matt Helm Movies were Nothing Like the Matt Helm Books that were Dark Spy Thrillers. The Movies were Fluff and Barely Qualify as Nothing More than Eye Candy at Best and Disjointed, Jumbled Junk at Worst.
They Were Popular Paycheck Producers for Talents Like Ann Margaret and Karl Malden and a Few Talented Filmmakers but the Movies Really Didn't Have Much to Offer Accept as Time Wasters and Ogleathons.
Here Ann Margaret's Dances in the Discotech Go On Ad Nauseam and Seem Overly Energetic Even for Ann, Malden's Villain is a Bore that Likes to Talk Into Microphones A Lot, and the Supporting Cast Mostly Stand Around Waiting for Something to Happen.
The Action is Stunt Double Heavy and Back Screened Without Much Effort. The Highlight of the Movie is a Gimmick Gun that Fires on a 10 Second Delay, but Even That is Milked Dry Like Every Other Mildly Amusing Trifle.