I recently watched the Spanish giallo film The Killer is One of Thirteen (1973) on Tubi. The story revolves around a widow whose husband recently died in what's believed to be an accident. She invites 13 guests to her home and informs them that she knows one of them is the killer. Shortly after their arrival, they begin dying one by one. Was the widow right, and one of the guests is the killer, or could the widow be the killer herself?
Directed by Javier Aguirre (Count Dracula's Great Love) and starring Patty Shepard (Rest in Pieces), Simón Andreu (Die Another Day), Trini Alonso (Do It with the Pamango) and José María Prada (The Hunt).
The storyline and setup for this movie reminded me of the film "Clue" and contain the classic "whodunit" elements that were popular during this era. The movie has a slow build-up as it initially establishes the circumstances and characters, but once it gets going, it really gets going. It includes classic giallo first-person shots where you see the scene through the eyes of the killer. The killer also uses a different weapon for each kill scene. There are worthwhile strangulation and stab scenes that are particularly well done. The background music used to announce the killers had me cracking up throughout the film. The killer reveal at the end is worth the wait.
In conclusion, The Killer is One of Thirteen is another worthwhile addition to the giallo genre from Spain. I would score this a 6.5-7/10 and recommend seeing it once.