One of my sci-fi/horror/fantasy reviews written 50 years ago: Directed by Rolf Thiele; Produced by Gerald Martell; released in America as "Grimm's Fairy Tales for Adults" by Cinemation Industries. Screenplay by Thiele; Photography by Wolf Wirth; Edited by Waltraut Hopp; Music by Bernd Kampka. Starring Marie Liljedahl, Roswitha Birkle, Gaby Fuchs, Evelyn Dutree, Walter Giller and Kitty Kino.
Incredibly degenerate fantasy, catering to fans of various fetishes and perversions. Rarely has a film been so poorly-done, uninteresting and sick -although the actresses are beautiful, what they are asked to do is revolting: Cinderella's sisters cut off pieces of their feet (luridly simulated) in attempts to get the slipper to fit; Snow White sucks off a cow with scores of flies on her face and its udder, etc. Although never delivering the goods honestly, the film does service the audience in shooting as low as possible with a consistently crude attitude and dumb, flip contemporary dialogue predicated on dirty puns. It will be hard to top this film for dirty-mindedness, since a more explicit film will at least score points for realism. It's also a shame to see good fantasy concepts so poorly and unconvincingly executed.