"Haine, amour et trahison" (= French for "hatred, love and betrayal") is one of those black-and-white films that were turned out by the dozens in the 19-fifties.
In those days television and internet weren't around yet, so spending your Saturday night at the local cinema was quite common. Every village, yes, every quarter of your hometown had a cinema-house of its own.
All these enterprises of course made sure they regularly re freshened their output. So demand for new films was huge. Always on the lookout for new faces & talents, many film companies enabled famous movie-stars to start their careers in this circuit.
Brigitte Bardot was one of them. According to the standards of 1954, she is just an actress among many other. Her break-through to world fame only happened two years later.
According to our times, only Brigitte's uneventful presence in "Haine, amour et trahison" keeps this film clean from a thick layer of dust.