Dog Daze (1939)
* 1/2 (out of 4)
The gang owes Butch thirty-seven cents and after locating and taking care of a missing dog they're given a dollar. Before they can pay Butch off a goat eats the dollar but they figure they can make more by finding other lost dogs. DOG DAZE is considered a complete and utter disaster by most fans of the series and in fact many curse this movie saying it's the worst in the series. I'm not certainly I'd go that far but there's no question that this thing is a complete mess without any laughs. In fact, the entire film just seems extremely out of touch and it never really seems to know what it wants to do. It's obviously at least trying to be one of those silly stories where the gang needs money so they do something dumb to try and earn it. Outside of this I'm really not sure what they were going for because laughs certainly aren't going to be found here. The biggest problem with the film is that there's simply no funny moments. There are a few attempts at laughs but nothing ever works. I mean, was a roomful of dogs meant to be funny? Director George Sidney also deserves a lot of the blame because the pacing is pretty poor and there's never a spark of energy to be found.