This film tells the story of Vasco Leitão, a young student probably born in Northern Portugal, which goes to Lisbon in order to study in Medical School. But the big city, even in the early thirties, was full of temptations for countryside students and Vasco, ultimately, fail his exams, having spent most of his time and money with wine, girlfriends and amusements. It turns out he kept secret of all this for his family in the country, which thinks he's successfully graduated. In this context, Vasco receives the unexpected visit of two aunts who sent him a lot of money to pay for his studies and the doctor's office...
This film is one of the most important classics of Portuguese cinema. Not by chance, but by merit. Directed by Cottinelli Telmo, has as its protagonist the renowned humorist Vasco Santana, but also with the participation of Beatriz Costa (in the role of Vasco's girlfriend, Alice) and Antonio Silva (in the role of Caetano, the harsh and selfish father of Alice). Being an old-fashioned comedy, we can expect several situation and context jokes, as well as comical word games. This film never lose their funny. It's a film always fresh and pleasant to see, which also has an interesting defense of fado, the most popular musical genre among the Portuguese of that time, and still an important part of the collective identity of the country in our days.
A film recommended for the whole family, it has scenes that have become famous and jokes that all Portuguese known well. It is a beloved film, loved all over the country and by all the lovers of Portuguese cinema.