Hushaaru is an average movie, tried to make modern version of Happy Days with adult content. This movie had lot of emotions but magic of connecting to it failed miserably.
Lot of illogical scenes were in the movie, example, girl wants to settle in abroad for good life but boy insists he's not interested as he don't want to miss his childhood friends. Most of 30 plus people understand after some stage, everyone will be busy in their own life. But it doesn't mean there'll be breakup with friends. Another one, selling beers with no license, an educated person know some basic rules/law. Like this, there many illogical scenes.
Most of the film filled with beers and smooches, makers test your patience to watch repeatedly same thing. Comedy track is hilarious and overall concept/message that want pass is good.
Another major drawback, acting skills of most of the cast including side characters are average or below, maybe that made no connections to the emotions in the movie.
Watch it only if you want to kill sometime or have no other movie options else just pass away from it.