I cannot speak to all of the topics covered but I enjoyed watching this show initially. Until I watched the Jonestown episode. Obviously the producers and their experts have an axe to grind about the United States.
First one of their experts claimed that the coverage of this tragedy was crafted by the media to make it some point about communism. As I grew up during this and as it was the first cult incident that I heard of (too young for Manson when it happened), that Jim Jones was an admirer of any communist leader or teaching was barely mentioned in the press as anything other than present a picture of the mind of Jim Jones and his various interests and beliefs. The bigger focus was about his megalomania and obsession with being seen as god-like.
Another expert made a comment about religion having its day and being ignored. Perhaps in France, or at least among the French intelligentsia but even a person with a basic education understands the still major role of faith throughout the world. Opinion is not fact.
Finally, they reference the burial of the victims and talk about how communities across the United States refused them so they were buried en masse in San Francisco. The truth is that more than half were claimed and buried by loved ones. Those that were not claimed and ended up in the mass grave, where plaques list their names, included those who had not next of kin, those whose relatives were to poor to claim the bodies and provide them with a proper burial and in the case of many of the children who were born into the cult, any relatives they had could not identify them because they were not aware of their existence. As with the majority of cults, members are encouraged to not remain in contact with their family members who are outside the cult.
As this show appears to have been made for French audiences and they are covering very detailed topics on 26 minutes, I guess accuracy is willingly sacrificed on the alters of ratings and profits.