One of those multiplayer games you can just play with your friends. Endlessly. It's almost as good as lift 4 dead, but it is just a good one to play with the pals once in a while.
The many classes in playstyle, just makes the game so fun to find your niece. It's particularly for me. I always like the dwarf because I like to go into battle , just stop thinking and cutting if I died a lot as ever result.
Loot system is a bit annoying but at least they give you chest on completing a level so it's don't get too annoying to get loot and you get a lot of resources that you can scrap to make specific weapons you like ,so it's is the best loot system I have seen.
The game has every kind of medieval stuff you want the dungeons that are the castles that are the little villages it has all the fantasy stuff you'd like to see.
The game isn't too punishing when you play with friends you can rely revive them very often so it's not one of those where one of your friends have to just sit in a corner be sad all game because you will not be resurrected dem.