Personally still champion 2K who revolutionised the sports campaign genre and the wider sports game into what it is today but EA's attempt at countering this years 2K release is pretty strong. Having the equality of male and female leagues is socially great, the 'ultimate team' mode a staple of EA games has some more interesting availabilities, story modes good and franchise is detailed but there's negatives unsurprisingly. Sometimes the animations, camera and graphics clash coming off a fair bit clunky opposed to smooth imitation of life and the franchise mode is somewhat shallow with this inclusion feeling as though it's been thrown in for the sake with no information given about what's available to the player and ultimate team similar to the feature in 'Fifa' games is basic there's a few challenges but the gameplays long and stretched out and often unrewarding which brings me finally to 'The One' or story mode if you will. I'm currently a few seasons in and it's interesting, granted it stops short of putting 2K to the sword but from what I've experienced it's a good unique joy to play with quite a few challenges. The premise is interesting following your return from injury to the big time and beyond and interactions with other figures in the world and the challenge each season is unique, the end goal of a championship and GOAT status remains prevalent but having missed the finals and an 'all-star' status in the first season only to attain both later down the line it feels unique and tailored to each player (even if you're following the career of the poster boy James Harden) this is the jewel in the crown so to speak with the world being lively and interconnected with the media frequently interjecting giving reports, small narratives or even setting targets it's good but not the best sports game out there, still worth picking up at some point