From Taku Sakamoto's manga, directed by Kazuya Ichikawa, the anime Keppeki Danshi! Aoyama-kun is good.
The first thing that stood out from the anime is its animation: clean, colorful, which stands out from the same opening, until the ending, I make a special mention to Takuma Kaneko's ending, for his parody and classic tribute to sports anime of the past, much nostalgia that has brought me more than a smile.
In football matches you can see the good work of the animators, and it is a pity that you do not see much of this. In that sense that is why I put seven stars. In fact, since the anime opens, the shows figure football as the center of animation but actually, with an exception of a couple of episodes, sport is an accessory. In that sense, you feel some uneasiness.
Now, I'm not following the manga, so I write these lines for the 12 chapters seen and not for the unseen.
Fun: yes, it is; entertaining, yes, it is, and I expect further development, a well-achieved animation. Intertextual jokes with "The Scream" by Munch and "The Great Wave" by Hokusai are also appreciated, the idea of using art references and "lowering" them to humor was well achieved, and it may have been Gotou Midori's idea (Script and composition) or already included in the manga itself.
A story that is not new (although there are those who claim that everything has already been said), but that takes interesting tints because of Aoyama's condition. A show with the potential to be better.