Admittedly I am a sucker for creature features, and I have always been fascinated with sharks. So of course I do sit down to watch the shark movies that I stumble upon, regardless of how silly the title might make the movie appear. And lets face it, "Toxic Shark" hardly screams top notch movie.
And the fact that this is a SyFy movie hardly works in favor of the movie in general. Although in all fairness, then SyFy do put out the occasional impressive movie. And who knows, "Toxic Shark" might happen to be one such movie, despite its goofy title.
The characters in the movie were rather annoying and seemed to be more stupid than necessary for the purpose of entertainment. I disliked many of the characters portrayed in the movie, as well as the dialogue they were dishing out.
Now, I am not saying that it was the acting that was bad, but it was the characters themselves, so writer Ashley O'Neil hardly created outstanding or lovable characters for the movie. The acting talents performed well enough with the limitations imposed on them by the script and storyline.
The sharks were, well, lets just say that it was different having sharks being able to project a squirt of acidic substance out from a protrusion on the head towards their prey. Yeah, that was the shark concept here. And the CGI effects for the shark were bland, as one has come to expect from SyFy movies. The CGI effects work well enough for their intend, but it didn't look all that realistic. So don't expect an impressive display of Hollywood special effects here. Some of the shark scenes were nice, but the majority was plagued by questionable CGI that couldn't pass for realism.
And true to so many other questionable shark movies, then they opted to have the sharks growling here like ferocious beasts. No, just no! Why do they go for that approach? Sure, I get that it is for dramatic effect as silent killers are not always a crowd pleaser. But having sharks growl like angry bears just doesn't work. It makes the scene seem stupid and amateurish.
"Toxic Shark", was unfortunately, every bit as generic and mass produced as you would expect from a shark movie from SyFy. It is still fun enough to watch, don't get me wrong, just don't expect to be impressed or terrified of going back into the water after having witnessed the somewhat questionable CGI animated sharks tear through the visitors at a single's retreat.
And while "Toxic Shark" isn't the best of movies in the shark creature feature genre, then it wasn't among the worst either. There are far, far worse sharks movies available, many of which also brandish the SyFy logo.