There's some great thing about this film, some bad things, and a ton in-between. Let's talk the technical execution first. The movie has powerful music, great camera work, the editing is top notch and actually brings a lot of personality, and I'm even going to say the premise is pretty cool, especially the twist at the end.
I'm not a big fan of the poetic stuff. Feels kinda forced. But I do like how the idea of destiny keeps popping up. As if destiny is something inevitable, just like it's inevitable how the movie is going to end. There really isn't any other way out.
Another thing. It's a standoff movie. He shoots at the cops so I understand they wouldn't go in guns blazing, but after the tear gas it would be all over. I understand most people thinks cops just shoot to kill when in fact they would want to breach safely hence the negotiator, but c'mon! 1 tear gas can and the whole thing would be done.
Overall the idea of having a single location movie is pretty tough. You get a sense of claustrophobia for sure, but after a while it does start to get old. The acting was pretty spot on throughout but there were a few rough patches here and there. The director uses flashbacks to keep us interested which mostly works but from time to time it can also feel monotonous. For being a no budget independent film I think there's a lot here to be applauded. There are a couple of really amazing scenes but they are scattered too thin in my good. Solid effort for a indie movie.