I was intrigued by the plot of this film. It was a good story. That's where the positives end. I taught acting for many years, and the actors in Kara were horrific. They broke every rule of Acting 101. The young woman portraying Kara attempted a Rebecca Pigeon, of David Mamet fame, type of dead pan affect. It was just dead. She was suppose to be "hot" and seductive. However, if you know you might show some skin in a film, get to a gym beforehand! The actors were not attractive and had no charisma. Also, the dialogue may have been written by a twelve year old. It was that banal.
I watched the whole movie because I was intrigued by how bad it was. Who would invest in this film? The producers must have been family. If I was back teaching, I would use this film to give pointers on what not to do. Kara was amazingly bad. I guess that counts for something.