I'm often amused at the jaded and self absorbed state of the average IMDB user. It's so often clear that they have allowed themselves to devolve (Sadly so) into near automatons that USE to be film lovers only now to be wanna be "critics", whom like that sad profession, have lost the ability to find satisfaction outside of a very limited scope of their own "Prefect drug". Almost as though once they've seen a masterpiece they cannot appreciate any other painting that cannot smile the same smile as the Mona Lisa they beheld. Or cannot find the same rush from that perfect HIT of whatever their drug of choice may have been.
This movie is perfectly fine, it is a low, but adequate, budget thriller with sci-fi elements about an assassin in the vein of the Manchurian Candidate where mind control is in question. Meyers and Gigandet are fine, as is the rest of the cast. The story is played and told well, with adequate doses of action, tension and wonderment as our protagonist begins to break his brainwash and seeks to discover who and what he is, who has created him and why. Not to mention what to do about it once he begins to break their holds on him and his own mental bonds., Gigandet makes nice eye candy and does a good job in his role, and Meyers does well in a role of his usual flavor...that being charming and deceptive, manipulative and usually on the wrong side of the villain fence.
In the end it s satisfying ride, a good time and nice little movie. It's not a masterpiece, and only a fool would go into thinking it was or even should be, it's not Citizen Kane. It's an action thriller. Get over yourselves and try to get some of your ability to have fun with film back.