I had the misfortune of seeing this abomination last year at the Toronto Short Film Festival. That was nearly a year ago and ever since, I have occasionally thought about how terrible this short was.
But I was in a situation where I had to be nice and not say anything except mildly ambiguous pleasantries.
It was polite company, okay?! And the guy that wrote, directed, edited, and starred in this short was right there.
There was a point during this short where I wished I believed in God, just so I could hope for the rapture to begin and send me to hell. Which, if God existed, is where I would be going because I am not a good person. But God does not exist and this film is proof. And going to hell would have been a better deal than sitting through "Everything Changes".
Holy Halifax it was a steaming pile. I can't even begin to know where to start.
And already this review feels too long and it seems impossible that I've devoted this much personal time to it.