Well, from the movie's cover/poster, then I have to say that I didn't figure that I would be in for anything particularly extraordinary since the cover looked like something that was made in an Arts & Crafts class. And never having heard about "She Was the Deputy's Wife", from writers Mario Mattei and Travis Mills, I must admit that I didn't harbor much of any expectations.
So why watch it? Well, on the off chance that the movie would actually turn out to be good, entertaining, watchable or surprising, of course. Well, and also because "She Was the Deputy's Wife" was a movie that I hadn't already seen before.
But I have to say that the movie was just rather slow paced, almost to the brink of where it slipped over the edge and became boring. The concept idea of the story was good enough, but the movie just lacked forward momentum, action and interesting characters to carry it forward.
I wasn't familiar with the cast ensemble in "She Was the Deputy's Wife", but I will say that the actors and actresses did fair enough jobs, given the restrictions of a slow paced narrative and not really having much to work with in terms of properly written characters and dialogue.
I will say that the atmosphere in the movie was actually good enough, it felt and looked like a Western movie, at least.
If you enjoy Western movies, then perhaps you will get a little kick out of watching the 2021 movie "She Was the Deputy's Wife". I am not overly keen on the Western genre, so I didn't particularly enjoy this movie from director Travis Mills. Sure, it was semi-watchable, but that was about all it had to offer for me.
My rating of "She Was the Deputy's Wife" lands on a generous three out of ten stars.