It's all in the timing Betty (lead) The promenade playhouse, Santa Monica (2015) Suburbia Sooze (lead) The promenade playhouse, Santa Monica (2014)Madame DE Sade Madame DE Sade (lead) Sfumato theatre (2013)12th night Olivia (lead) Natfa (2014)Powder keg Ikonia (lead) Mladejki theatre (2014)Improvise this host and actress Mladejki theatre (2014)The show must go on Katia (lead) Sliven, Sulza i smug (2013)The lizard The singer (supporting) Satirical theatre (2013)Vampire Vela (lead) Sofia theatre (2012)Uncle Vanya Elena Andreevna (lead) Varna (2013)Stone age Her (supporting) Natfa (2014)Equinox Actress Festas, Paris, Cantal (2015)Love poems Mina (lead) Space for Art, Sofia (2012)Saga Gudrun (lead) Natfa (2013)The chicks (improv show) Actress ha-ha-ha Improv theatre (2011)The house of Bernarda Alba Adela (lead) Varna (2012)Dekameron The wife (lead) Varna (2011)The stranger Marie (supporting) Natfa (2012)Love Ida (supporting) Natfa (2012)Psychosis 4.48 Sarah (lead) Varna (2012)Cat on a hot tin roof Maggie (lead) Varna (2012)The simple things are the most complicated The sales woman (lead) Natfa (2012)The old woman from Calcutta Shuster (lead) Natfa (2011)Tartuffe Dorine (supporting) Natfa (2010)Belgrade trilogy Mara (lead) Natfa (2010)Midsummer night's dream Hyppolyta (supporting) Petur Vurbanov Studio (2008)Pipi the long stocking Annika (lead) Studiata (2008)We, the sparrows The female sparrow (supporting) Studiata TV and web series: (2014)Improvise this (show) pilot Djidji (lead) Channel 3, Bulgaria (2015)So, what happened to me yesterday (series) Alice, Candy, Actress YouTube (2017) Gym (web series) Eve (lead) Damien HD ,YouTube (2013)Mtel series of commercials The daughter (lead) Btv, Nova, Channel1, Bulgaria (2015 - present)"Paris Academy" -"The Stanislavski Method" Acting teacher