Andrae Linzy
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Andrae' L. Linzy, also known as Five Star, was born and raised by his grandparents in Monroe, LA where he graduated from Ouachita Parish High school with honors. While in high school, Andrae began writing as a release to deal with his turbulent youth. An outstanding football player and popular student, he was named editor of the school paper and became the 1st in his school's history to score a perfect 36 in English on his ACT. He scored a 152 on his IQ test. After attending Grambling State University on an academic scholarship and later University of Louisiana-Lafayette, Andrae' ventured into a life of entrepreneurship. He joined his father, John H. Linzy in Houston at 18. Andrae' opened his first music recording studio, Phat Traxx, at 19, with his best friend. Soon afterwards he would partner on a popular downtown Houston lounge while promoting and booking for major events. While promoting, Andrae' found MTV Riff Raff and orchestrated his rise from Houston to Hollywood before the two amicably split after Andrae' tragically lost his younger brother to a police shooting in 2010. Later that year, Andrae' would partner with his deceased brother's close friend Ashworth Barnes and establish 713Life, a lifestyle company inspired by 713 Motoring in his memory.
Throughout Andrae's business journey, writing remained his passion. He became the editor of international fashion magazine UZURI in 2011. Around the same time, he penned his first screenplay and through his connections in the entertainment world, Andrae' helped spearhead the independent film culture in Houston. Andrae wrote many video treatments for several hip hop and R&B artists before deciding to move to Las Vegas full time to produce a podcast and concentrate on filmmaking.
In 2022, Andrae co-wrote and developed the screenplay for "Dirty 3rd : The Next Generation ".