Over the years there are always going to be interviews that you remember. One that's as vivid to me now as it was in 1977 was with David (
David Maloney) in his tiny office at BBC Television Centre in White City. He welcomed me and in moments had not only put me at my ease and made me feel like a colleague but also described the new series he was producing (
Los siete de Blake (1978)) and the character he was seeing me about (Travis). Of course, his outline of the one-eyed antagonist was very appetising and I felt, as I think he did, that not a lot of selling or interview time was going to be needed. It was like we had agreed a deal on a business venture on the nod and that we were both going to benefit from it, and sure enough that afternoon the contract was made and on its way. When producers and directors make you feel confident by dint of their encouragement or personality you are always going to offer up better goods, and David was able to do this easily. Whilst there may have been minor cavils during the course of production, I never lost my respect or immense liking for the man, and when we met again at the 20th Anniversary convention, our greeting to each other was akin to a warm family reunion. We spent some time chatting and imbibing and it was reassuring and gratifying to be in his company again. I hope he's preparing lots of new drama up there for all of us. God bless, David.