I get that people want this to be entirely believable and that aspects, such as the lack of guns in a world where other machines exist, appears to be hard to fathom - but think of all the other movies that have unbelievable components - such as why does Obe Wan wear a raggedy robe in a time when they can fly through space? He could still wear a robe, but did it have to look like a potato sack? How can Batman really compete with Superman, seriously?
Anyway the mix of martial arts with supernatural and post- apocalyptic themes would make most people think this is a horrible combination for a TV series ... but not if you are a fan of old Chinese martial arts movies.
The fight scenes in this movie are incredible considering it is made for television. The acting isn't absolutely stunning, but acting never was in many of those Chinese movies and it was never meant to be. The main characters Danny Wu and Martin Csokas both do a satisfactory job in their roles. Emily Beecham's portrayal of the Widow has grown on me and she looks really impressive in some of the fight scenes.
Some of the supporting actors, particularly the fighters, I admit leave a little to be desired acting wise, but generally ... you don't want them to do much more than lose.
I believe if you over think the reality of this TV series, you may miss some of the good aspects of it, but admittedly this type of show isn't for everyone.
Having just watched the first season, I loved the finale and am eagerly looking forward to seeing more.