If you have seen James Mangold's excellent 2003 film "Identity" you've basically seen this movie - except done correctly. This one starts decently, even if poorly shot with no production value to speak of, but the actors are game (credit to them for giving it their all) and I'm willing to cut a lot of slack while a movie gets going (called "willing suspension of disbelief"). But then the friends get to the "desert" (the one with all the city lights a mile away in half the shots) and from that point on it's a continuous slide into awful. The filmmaker acts like having a twist at the end (or suggesting it's a dream or happening at the magical gates of hell - I won't say what cuz that would be a spoiler), excuses every inconsistency or unbelievable behavior or stupid action, and even if you're lazy enough to insist it does, the audience still has to suffer through them! This flick is three fourths all the way; one fourth promising and three fourths lame. For every nice little visual there are countless shots that are poorly lit and unimaginative. Add in poor gore effects (for the record, you can't bite off a tongue with your mouth closed - molars don't work like that!) and, possibly, the very worst portrayal of a mental health care professional that has ever been written and you have this movie in a nutshell. The twist is tired and clumsy (unless done right) and so ends the movie making you regret suffering through it. If you like watching small flicks like this just to study everyplace they went wrong, give it a shot. Or if you're really into frustration and suffering - your own. They had a chance - decent premise and everything - but despite the actors best efforts the writer/director repeatedly shot his film in the foot and then forced us to watch it limp sadly away.
And I'd question ANY 10 star review that doesn't think there's anything wrong with ANY film, let alone a micro-budget backyard production like this one...I'm just saying... either they worked on the film, know someone who worked on the film, or they didn't see it.