I have been a MUFON member, Country Representative and Field Investigator for many years since first becoming interested in the UFO phenomena in the early 90s, This could have been a great series and it certainly highlights a huge number of very interesting cases.
However, it is almost unwatchable for me due to the constant breathless tone of awe and even more annoying, the incessant repetition, the same bits of information being spoon fed to the audience over and over again, the same bit of hoaked up footage repeated ad nauseum. Why are you using faked footage of the 1952 Washington flap when the actual footage exists? C'mon History Channel, I have several post graduate degrees and I don't wear a tinfoil hat. You seem to have created this series for people with the attention spans of house cats.
Ramp up your game. Not all of your audience needs everything repeated over and over in words of one syllable.