This show has a very soft spot in my heart people can call me whatever a psychopath crazy idc the thing is I'd never actually hurt anyone nor do I think it's ok to do such brutal things in real life. I discovered happy tree friends when I was little on accident and I've been fine the key is teaching your children what's real and not real and what's ok and not ok. Alot of parents just turn on the tv they never sit and watch the show with you then they complain it's bad for you what's bad is not paying attention to your children and teaching them that it's fiction and not ok in real life. Might be simpler said then done for some parents if that's the case sit in the room with them and watch something else but don't attack happy tree friends because you put it on without reading about it or taking two minutes to watch it with them literally most episodes go wrong in a matter of minutes so it's not that hard to take 5 minutes and view what your children are watching. Yes it's messed up it's also rated tv14 you should look at age ratings especially nowadays. Kids are alot smarter then we give them credit for it might seem like it's gonna be scary to children it definitely wasn't scary for me and I know alot of kids who watched it growing up it didn't desensitize me either I still feel empathy and emotions for real people and I separate fake from real.