I want to give it a higher rating, because I liked that it's in Irish and in Donegal. It had an interesting setting, and I really would like to see more of this (I'm from Scotland). I thought the main male actor was quite good, so was his other half in it. The character of the journalist/podcaster was just really bad, quite cringe worthy and not well written. Nothing against the actress, she worked with what she had.
Some of the acting wasn't that great, but I think the writing is what let it down the most. I really wanted to give it a higher rating, but it's just not that well written. Lots of things don't make much sense, the dialogue between the characters is a bit bland, there's too many cringe worthy moments that feel out of place with the nonsense plotline of the true crime podcaster getting away with/doing stuff that just wouldn't happen. It could honestly be a lot better.
I see the potential in it though, and I hope this starts more series funded that are in Irish with this kind of theme. I think they just need some extra help with the writing. So I'm giving it a 7, cause I still enjoyed it when I shut my brain off for a bit, and it is quite unique.
I would still recommend people watch this series, just shut your brain off a bit if some things seem a bit far fetched and you'll probably enjoy it. If we support it, hopefully more stuff like this will come out in the future!