While the acting in this is decent and the story concept interesting, in the end this came across to me as another "needs more fleshing out" short. The idea is fun: meeting our best friends 20 years later. The reality of this is often disappointing, especially if we haven't seen those friends in 20 years. On rare occasion such is heart-warming, when we discover those friendships did not diminish with distance.
But since we change greatly from childhood to adult years, we can be assured that what we remember will no longer be the reality. On that basis this is an interesting concept.
But the truth is, corporations can create 30 second commercials that brings their viewers to tears, tugs the heartstrings, makes us laugh, or puts a jingle in our heads that we remember for decades. So it is disappointing that "shorts", which have far longer viewing time and greater potential scope, fail to come anywhere near such accomplishments.
A successful film isn't just acting, or CGI, or locations, or a plot idea. Success starts with a good script and goes from there. Sadly most shorts fail in this area and sputter for lack of a proper launch pad.
This isn't a "bad" short-- just unimpressive. As with many such films it could have been so much better if they'd just started with a little more meat to the story.