This high school anime series is centred on Alisa Mikhailovna Kujou, known as Alya, a silver haired, half-Russian girl and Masachika Kuze, the boy who sits next to her. She acts as though she dislikes him but it appears she secretly likes him and occasionally makes flirtatious comments to him in Russian, not knowing he understands the language. He also secretly fancies her and is unsure what to make of the mixed messages. Later on the two run for the leadership of the student council.
I thought this was a decent enough addition the high school romance genre. Alya is a particularly interesting character thanks to her use of Russian. Other characters are more generic but still solid enough. Character designs are good and the animation is decent. I suspect now I've finished watching it will be forgotten, but to be fair that is true of most series unless they are truly special. Overall I'd not say it was a must watch but is worth checking out if you enjoy the genre; if we get a second season I'll certainly continue watching.
These comments are based on watching the series in Japanese with English subtitles.