The overall story of "Kaka Bos" is familiar-a father striving to make his daughter proud. However, the plot takes a unique turn with its humorous and quirky approach. Imaginary Production House, known for crafting stories with strong moral messages, follows the same formula here. Unfortunately, the film suffers from weak performances and forced jokes that often miss the mark and feel unnatural.
One of the film's strengths is its inclusion of Eastern Indonesian actors and actresses. However, many of them, while popular in the stand-up comedy scene, lack acting skills, making the storyline difficult to enjoy. To enhance the film's impact, it would have been better to cast Eastern Indonesians with genuine acting talent to bring more life to the story.
Watching this movie feels more like tuning into a Saturday Night Live ( SNL ) comedy show than watching a comedy-drama film. While the concept is promising, the execution of the actors fall short.