Directed by Parambrata Chatterjee, "Parnoshavarir Shaap" boasts a talented cast including Chiranjit, Arno Mukhopadhyay, Anindita Bose, Gaurav Chakraborty, Suarngana, Roja, etc., delivering a powerful impact. The scenic backdrop of North Bengal is enough to send shivers down your spine. While the genre is currently thriving, most of the content falls short, yet this series stands out due to its superior direction and engaging screenplay. However, character development is nearly nonexistent. It's puzzling why Hoichoi consistently adheres to a 20-minute average running length per episode instead of opting for 40-45 minutes. I'm eagerly anticipating Bhadurimoshai's next adventure. In this Bhoot choturdoshi, 'Parnoshavarir Shaap' is perfect for a binge-watch.