This was such an enjoyable and charming movie! I loved it from beginning to end. The two main characters Aaron (yum!) and Megan's chemistry is off the charts which is probably why it was so easy to fall into!! This wasn't your typical predictable movie, it had its own little twists without the awkward fight that usually happens in these types of films. The plot, the storyline and the pace all fit together beautifully and in no way dragged on for even a moment. Every second was thought out and every line delivered fabulously. The actors were acting comfortably and believably without trying too hard- again as you often see in other movies of this type. That was not the case here. I loved every single thing about this feel good-smile-from-ear-to-ear-eat-your-heart-out-holiday love fest. This absolutely baked up mouth-watering charm and delivered a fresh a warm sweet treat to indulge in. Don't critique it, just enjoy and be deliciously entertained!!