'Trunk,' a German thriller, kicks off 2024 with a riveting narrative that grips you from the start. The film's simple yet effective premise follows Malina, who wakes up in a trunk, struggling to escape and recall how she got there. Despite its minimalistic setting, the movie excels in creating a tense, claustrophobic atmosphere, thanks in large part to Sina Martens' compelling performance. She brings Malina's plight to life with such authenticity that you feel trapped alongside her.
The direction and cinematography is impressively executed, making the most of the confined space to build suspense.
'Trunk' had some typical genre flaws, but I'd say it stands out for its avoidance of clichés and maintains a raw edge, setting it apart from many mainstream thrillers.
Overall, 'Trunk' is a testament to the power of a well-crafted, simple idea, and Sina Martens' performance is a highlight. It's a thrilling, engaging experience that showcases the strength of German cinema.