Wild Boys does many things right while dishing out laughs throughout the runtime of this movie, but one of them stands out as truly inspired: KEEP THESE GUYS IN FRAME TOGETHER.
It's not inventing the wheel or anything (little caveman humor for you there), plenty of well known comedies understand to allow the performers to make us laugh, but there is a temptation in indie comedies to let the gags and writing drive the humor instead of the performances. This is where they often fall flat, as the writing often isn't up to par. Here, not only are the one liners constantly delivering, but the two Wild Boys have such great chemistry, their line reads and subtle physical comedy together is with the price of admission alone.
Rounding out the cast are a handful of other quirky characters who all know exactly what movie their in. Shoutout to the mumbling redneck and the ICE agent that is a living, breathing version of South Park's "Principle PC."
There is a bit of a treasure hunt thread that ties everything together that comes with a heartwarming message. The cinematography and locations all lend to production value. I loved the score, which calls back to the Indiana Jones adventures. It's funny because it's way over the top and maybe too intense for what we're seeing, and the filmmakers know it. Oh yeah, they know exactly what they're doing.