As a slasher fan, I quite enjoyed this directorial debut. The first time director Trevor Matthews shows promise and delivers a satisfying horror movie that ticks all the boxes one comes to expect from a slasher film. It's fun, bloody, gratuitous and inventive.
The setting of a house that broadcasts x rated content online works perfectly for horror, much like the Sorority House Slasher movies from the 80s but with a modern twist.
The film is nicely setup and allows you to get to know the characters quite well before they are dispatched! (and they are all quite likable and not annoying!) And it must be said; the dialogue and acting from everyone is quite good. Especially from the main actress Ali Cobrin. Therefore the film never drags....
The kills and makeup were also quite good, with one kill in particular being quite amusing..
The only problem I'd have with the movie is that it was a little tame for my standards, probably cause I'm used to seeing crazy films from the French Extreme Horror movement like Martyrs and Inside! But for me it just wasn't all that scary.
Overall opinion: Satisfying horror movie and a promising debut.