I was more impressed with Rock Bottom Creek than most big budget horror movies that come out now days. The story was simple but not spoon fed and left some room for the imagination to play while still wrapping up everything which is really nice for a change. There was a lot of action including some stunts that looked extremely painful or even disgustingly real. The writing was clever and had a subtle humor to it which left me reciting some of the jokes days later.
The score was fantastic and well thought out. The best spots were the random hiphop music and the song from the montage when the lead walked through town.
The actors were solid for amateurs who probably engaged in this movie as a pastime more so than a profession. The standouts being the girlfriend, the boyfriend, and the sheriff. The wardrobe was great too as they did not try and pass of cheap costumes and went with simple but effective attire. I think 90% of this cast wore flannel and denim. My favorite line was "Why you reaching out to me? I look like Jesus to you?" The only major flaw was the few audio glitches but it hardly ruins the movie besides even major movies make mistakes. The best thing was that they did not try and insult the viewers intelligence by pretending to be something they are not. They covered up their weaknesses and showcased their ability to tell a great story, provide a few laughs, give a couple of good scares, and take the audience on a trip into Rock Bottom Creek.
Good luck, Rock Bottom Creek. You guys represent the few people left that keep the "American Dream" alive!