The podcast itself was interesting for a while, but has become way too try-hard with Sean Oliver's unessercery clips from the show being made into small, pointless/who cares, topics that flood your YouTube subscriptions with absolutely useless garbage, because Sean thinks that's how you promote a channel.
The premise is obvious. Sean Oliver hosts a podcast with former wrestling legend Kevin Nash and discuss whatever they want to talk about. Fine, it's their podcast, they can talk about what they want, but they have no understanding that their podcast is being watched globally, and they just discuss things that fit into their local areas. Not being American myself, I could not give a damn about politics. Not on a global scale, my own country, or Sean and Nash' local candidates. But like I said, they can discuss whatever. It's their show.
What sickens me tho is Sean Oliver will take useless snippets from the hour or so podcasts, and upload them to YouTube with stupid titles like "Who does Kevin Nash support in the election", "Kevin Nash on how he feels about toilet paper", "Kevin Nash reveals how his last fart smelled", "What Kevin Nash had for breakfast".... seriously, if anyone wants to know or care about such useless information, then I can't express enough how much you need to get a life, and stop supporting such trash so Sean Oliver can be paid in ad revenue for spamming such pathetic snippets to the gullible who just click and watch anything and comment "first" or "love you,saw you once at blah blah blurrr"... such insightful information no one could have gone on living without knowing.
The podcast occasionally has other guests, but it seems Sean uploads the full podcast at first, then takes it down to upload his useless snippets for more clicks. I had to unsubscribe because I'm just not putting up with that sort of thing from anyone, or the dribble he does make into snippets.
It was good in the beginning when Nash revealed some backstage information and shed light on things from his past wrestling days, but now it's like they've run out of wrestling stories, and just think talking politics, sports and promoting products they've probably never used is all that's needed to call what they're doing as entertainment.
Sorry, im not interested in anyone's completely useless opinions about anything. I don't care what they think of a TV show, movie, drink, betting pools, what they had for dinner, how they think everyone else should be entertained.
It's become a snorefest of egotism of not being able to take a look at themselves, and wonder why what most of what they say should be cared about by anyone else?
Still, I suppose you have your fans of things like Gogglebox, so there's obviously plenty of people to watch pointless and useless dribble and think it's entertainment, because they dont have the intelegence to realise they're being duped.
Nothing against Nash, tho. He's just answering the useless questions Sean Oliver is asking.
The final straw with this podcast was Oliver posting the snippets of how he doesn't care what the haters of the podcast think.... I wasn't a hater, I was suggesting how to improve the show for better viewing, but Oliver doesn't care about long-term viewers, just what money he can make off it right now. Sounds like he has a lot on common with Vince Russo, and his podcasts fate will match that of WCW in the end.