It didn't take me long into watching "The Marine: Homefront" when I said, "I've seen this before." In fact, I repeated that phrase in my head A LOT during the entire ninety minutes this movie took. Clearly the story and various plot elements aren't very original. And there are plenty of plot stupidities, like the fact the bad guys often can't hear gunfire taking place just a short distance away, or that their number are being slowly eliminated. Actually, the unoriginality and the stupidity of the script didn't concern me that much - I can take such stuff in a movie like this as long as there is good and plentiful action. But this movie doesn't have any of that. In the first half of the movie, there is perhaps a minute's worth of action in total! While the second half of the movie has a lot more action, it isn't that well done. It's generic shooting and punch-ups, filmed without any skill to make it rise above routine. There's nothing much of interest in this movie, and the best praise I can give it is that it was shot in the Canadian province I live in (British Columbia) and gave some work to my fellow citizens in front of and behind the camera.