Nice try guys, I'll always give that A for effort.
The movie reminded me a lot of the Blair Witch project. It was very retro in it's whole found footage horror genre theme. Maybe because they did a lot with such a small crew of people.
A group of white kids go into the woods, for what reason never matters, but horny whites under age 24 in the woods, always is a bad idea (should be a law against it.)
Anyway, the movie did have suspense. Some of the suspenseful moments were great, they were killing me with it.
The problem here was the scare, and when you're doing horror, that's an important problem.
From the moment the first real scare went down I knew this movie was in trouble. I did not jump out of my seat once in the movie, not once. There were some eerie moments in the film but nothing really registered. It may have been how sloppy the whole story was put together. I never fully got the purpose of the game they were playing (maybe cause I never played it (maybe because I'm not stupid enough to go into the woods to play a stupid game)
The girls in the movie were cute. That was a bonus, I found them pleasant to look at, but no one's persona was develop well enough to really care weather they lived or died.
Also, the movie had too many false scares, and horror moments. It felt like they were trying to add more time to make what could have worked as a short, a feature movie, but all it did was make an hour and a half feel like twice as long.
Once again, A for effort but will not recommend watching.