This is a charming movie and for the genre not bad, not bad at all. I actually enjoyed this movie and I think it is a fun watch, but this is not anything fantastic and except for the decent original idea, much here is kinda cliche.
Acting is good, even great most of the time. This has a lot of charm, and except for a few cliches and some minor unbelievable events, most of the movie is a fun watch. Where this fail is with the script. There are simply too many plot holes and too many times you go "that would never happen" or "How can they forget everything? They'd been drugged?"
They could have easily made this into a much better movie with some minor changes to the script and exchange a few of the cliches to something fresher. If they had, this would have been a great romantic comedy. Sadly they didn't so this is only watchable. I give this a generous 7/10 for the genre, as a movie perhaps the score should be lower, but as said; I enjoyed this. You can do far worse.