Oh my god, the script is unbelievably terrible. First off, the plot. I couldn't believe how this was produced, or who would think of sinking money into this moronic, flimsy film. In no way was this film suspenseful and halfway through the film I wanted the main characters to die. Anyone making the film could have added a little bit of humour, but instead tried to develop the characters of the couple, which was executed poorly. The acting was dismal, if anyone thought of hiring any four of the cast just watch this film and reassess your foggy decision.
What made me laugh more than anything was the stranger. He just shows up and can barely speak English. The viewer doesn't have any idea why he's there or stalking the couple... he just shows up out of the blue and starts saying "take a sit" "chop chop". I thought to myself, did Tommy have anything to do with this movie? Is this film a way to launder money?
Regardless, I feel slightly dumber for watching this. I think eating a pile of lead chips would have been a better choice.