The "Tündérkert" series is based on the works of Zsigmond Móricz, the excellent Hungarian writer. An exciting story about the power relationship of historical figures Gábor Báthory and Gábor Bethlen and the fate of Transylvania. After the first 2 parts, it can be said that thanks to the excellent acting, spectacular and erotic scenes, we can watch a really great movie. The world-famous Erzsébet Báthory, who was not featured in the original work, also gets an important role in the film.
Unfortunately, many people think that any film made with state support can only be bad. Based on prejudices, they try to influence the viewers with their false evaluations.
After watching all 8 episodes, it can be said that the series is excellent. It exceeded my expectations. Exciting, twisty, unpredictable. I would especially highlight parts 6 and 8. Any country in the world would be proud of such a series of films. Good news, to be continued.