I just start watching this show in this year (2017). I didn't finished the series (Im in the 19 chapter). This series show us how the life can change our goals and perspective in some things. Also you can feel the love of their treats and how the characters try to understand each other while they're experiencing some fears and doubts about life, their dreams, and parenthood.
At the end of each cap. the characters tell us what they learn, and how to resolve the "problem" or situations.
The comedy is good, sometimes it could be simple-minded but its really surprising how the writers can makes you laughs so hard or astonished you with drama, with history knowledge, tiny sad moments.
The most of characters learn and grown at the pass of the time, so it turn more interesting this series. The style of the series its comfortable and LGBT friendly.
It is far from being just another trivial comedy with strange jokes, instead is a funny and exciting series about parenthood, family and life.