With an upcoming film starring Mary Elizabeth Winstead and John Goodman coming out in 2016, I decided to check out director Dan Trachtenberg's short, Portal: No Escape, which was based on a video game which I've never heard of. Fans of the video games will probably appreciate this film more, but it's still pretty simple to follow. A young woman awakens in a locked cellar (similar to the one in Oldboy) under heavy surveillance. She discovers a hidden weapon that will allow her to escape. I don't want to give away what exactly it is that the weapon does for those of us that aren't familiar with the video game. The woman is played by Danielle Rayne and there isn't any dialogue so it basically is a very physical performance. I could easily see Rayne as the next female Michelle Rodriguez faces off in the Fast and Furious franchise after eliminating Gina Carano and Ronda Rousey. Ryan delivers some fun scenes, while the short also benefits from some cool looking visual effects. The short is less than six minutes long, but it is an entertaining watch. I'm looking forward to Trachtenberg's upcoming film, Valencia, which seems to have a very interesting cast.