Last Days of the Space Age is an ambitious TV series set against the backdrop of 1979 Australia, blending historical events like the fall of Skylab with fictionalized narratives. While the show has its moments of nostalgia, there are a few discrepancies that stand out.
Firstly, although the series attempts to capture the essence of 1979, it wasn't actually filmed in Western Australia. This is significant, as those who lived through the Skylab incident there-myself included-will notice that the authenticity of the landscape and atmosphere isn't quite right. Western Australia had a very specific feel during that time, which would have added to the show's authenticity if it had been shot on location.
Secondly, the show incorrectly features the song "Xanadu" by Olivia Newton-John as if it were a 1979 hit. In reality, that song came out in 1980, which may not seem like a huge deal, but for those of us who remember the era well, these small anachronisms pull you out of the otherwise well-crafted narrative.
While Last Days of the Space Age is entertaining and brings to life a fascinating period, viewers familiar with the details of 1979 may find these historical inaccuracies a little distracting.