There is little doubt that this movie is not for everyone. If don't believe it just look at some of the reviews, lot's of 1's and lot's of 10's, me I am somewhere in the middle, (towards the 10 end). It is not for everyone because it is QUIRKY and I do mean quirky, with lesser talented actors I could well be one of the people giving it 1 star, however the acting was excellent. I have been big fan of Sam Rockwells, since the Green Mile and in Seven he is hilarious. Colin Farrell, was great and as usual Christopher Walken was superb. Mickey Rourke was originally cast in the Woody Harrelson part, and while he did a good job, I think the character might have been better suited to Mickey Roarke. There something about Woody playing a character that is way over the top, that feels like he's playing it way over the top, none the less he was still funny.
This movie was full of hilarious one liners, and some very smart dialog, the plot was at the same time funny and ridiculous. I read a few of the reviewers that slammed this movie and most of them were bashing the plot or the lack thereof, this is not a great who done it, and I will agree the plot was paper thin, at best.
If you see this movie you need to see it for the acting and a fun way to spend 110 minutes. If you are looking for a movie that makes some kind of a statement or makes you really think about your life, then don't see this movie, you will be disappointed.